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English Language Exercises

Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

Since COVID-19, freely going out and about has changed our lives; that was why many of our classes have stopped (I miss doing, Cookery in English, Parent & Kids, Sing in English) or are now online. 

Are you interested in restarting your English studies? How about brushing up on what you have previously learnt? All is not lost if you can’t study online or don’t want to go out. At some point, you have studied English and I believe it’s still within your head, it only needs to be reached and exercised.

English Exercise 1 – Say what you see

This exercise is quite easy; look around you, and say aloud what you can see in English. Take your time on words you have studied but can’t quite remember. If you have completely forgotten or there’s a new word you would like to learn, write it down in Japanese and look it up in English, writing that word down, too.

English Exercise 2 – Say what you do

This one is another easy exercise; when doing an action, say aloud what you are doing in English. For example, if you are walking, say aloud, “walking.”. Do this for any action; walking, breathing, thinking, cooking, making, sleeping(impossible!), etc. Again, if you have completely forgotten or there’s a new word you would like to learn, write it down in Japanese and look it up in English, writing that word down, too.

English Exercise 3 – Tell a (very) short story

Say aloud something you will do or have done, such as, “This morning, I will go for a walk by the river.”. Or, “I went to the supermarket and bought milk, natto, eggs, and rice.” This can be as short or as long as you like.

English Exercise 4 – Introduce yourself to yourself

This one is unusual but try it anyway; stand in front of a mirror and introduce yourself, “Hello, my name is…It’s nice to meet you.” Now, imagine the other person (your reflection) has introduced themselves, how would you respond? This exercise goes onto Exercise 5.

English Exercise 5 – Have a conversation with yourselves?

Another unusual exercise to try. Start a conversation with yourself about anything; your hobbies, food, the weather, your family, anything. When you look to the left, that’s one person. When you look to the right, that’s a different person. Got it? 

So, (look to the left) “I went skiing last week and had a great time. Do you ski?” 

(look to the right) “No, I have never skied. I don’t like cold weather, I prefer swimming. In summer, I like swimming in the sea.” 

(look to the left) “Really? Where do you go swimming?” 

(look to the right)…

These exercises should help learners at all levels, saying English words and sentences aloud will hopefully remind you of what you have learnt before. It may take time and additional revision and that’s fine.

Good luck with your exercises.



