Learning English

Mindset / マインドセット

Doing It for Yourself and Others

Hello. My name is Duncan Brown and I am an English Facilitator, here are some of my thoughts about learning the English ...
Awareness / アウェアネス

It’s Not Bad to Be Different

Many years ago, in my early career, I had a semi-private class. We were talking about our likes and dislikes. One of my ...
Awareness / アウェアネス

Is Better Communication Polite or Rude?

I think, on the whole, people want to be considered polite as we want to be liked; who likes rude people? However, inter...

How’s My English?

There are many ways a Japanese person can learn English; each way will suit each person differently. You can learn by yo...
Awareness / アウェアネス

Our First Podcast – Response

A couple of weeks ago, I posted our first podcast and I am pleased by the response. Admittedly, the comments I have rece...

Theoretical Vs Applied

Duolingo is a popular smartphone application for learning languages, it is so popular that its English tests are now acc...
Awareness / アウェアネス

Are You an “Open Book”?

My dictionary defines an “open book” as a person who through naivety responds candidly to questions or openly displays t...
Awareness / アウェアネス

What’s That Sound?

As I have written before, there are many things which don’t help your pronunciation of English sounds (phonemes), below ...
Pronunciation / 発音

I’m sorry, could you say that again?

As I wrote before, there are many things which don’t help your pronunciation of English sounds (phonemes), below are a c...
Pronunciation / 発音

How Do You Read This Word?

As I wrote before, there are many things that don’t help your pronunciation of English sounds (phonemes), below is one o...