
Awareness / アウェアネス

False Modesty or Being Humble

Hello. My name is Duncan Brown and I am an English Facilitator, here a some of my thoughts about learning the English la...
Awareness / アウェアネス

What’s Your Opinion On…?

Expressing an opinion is part of English conversation; people share their thoughts to make friends, solve problems, and have a better understanding overall.

Stereotypes, Language, and Culture

American, British, Chinese, Korean, Japanese. When reading these nationalities did you think of their stereotypes? Stere...

Practising English in Japan

One thing that I took for granted when I first arrived in Japan was the road signs. At first, I thought nothing of readi...

When Polite is Rude

I previously wrote about polite and rude behaviour when interacting with other people. I also included a couple of scena...
Awareness / アウェアネス

Is Better Communication Polite or Rude?

I think, on the whole, people want to be considered polite as we want to be liked; who likes rude people? However, inter...
Awareness / アウェアネス

Success by Determination and Support

I often read articles related to learning or teaching as they are either interesting or useful. Recently, I read an inte...
Awareness / アウェアネス


毎日暑いですね。。。私たちの住む地域では、ここ数日熱中症警戒アラートが発令されています(泣) 英語で双方向のコミュニケーションを図ろうとするとき、英語には英語特有のコミュニケーションの方法があり、日本語のそれとは異なります。日本語特有のコミ...

Learning English? Where Do You Start?

I often ask Japanese people, “Do you speak English?” and frequently I hear the reply, “No.” I have two points about this...

How’s My English?

There are many ways a Japanese person can learn English; each way will suit each person differently. You can learn by yo...