
Photo taken for Afternoon Tea Experience.

Hello. My name is Duncan Brown and I’m a British English Facilitator.

I moved to Japan in May 2016 to be with my wife, Masami, and started my new life here.  When I’m not guiding English learners on their English journey, I like to enjoy a few things that are popular in Japan, too.

I really enjoy food; making it or eating it. I’m very fortunate that Masami and her mother are amazing cooks so I can enjoy excellent Japanese dishes. Not only that but Masami is what I would describe as “food educated”, she has introduced me to some very fine dishes. I just hope the British dishes I make for her are half as good as her dishes. Although, finding ingredients for my recipes can be a challenge, it makes it more satisfying when I do make a tasty British dish.

Another passion of mine is listening to music. Any era, any genre, I love it! I am so surprised how many Western songs have made these shores. Singing along with people, enjoying a song 30, 40 years old or even older. Wonderful! And the many secondhand shops that have CDs that are impossible to find anymore, amazing!

Although I don’t play videogames as much as I used to, I find it so nostalgic seeing the games of my youth in the same secondhand stores as the rare CDs. It’s like visiting a museum, gallery or library of videogame consoles. I’m in awe of how well taken care of. I would only able to see these videogame consoles in magazines back in the U.K., they were never released there. To see them now takes me back.

With food, music and videogames being only a few of my interests, I’m so happy that I can still enjoy them now in Japan even more so than in Britain. So, if I’m not helping people communicating in English, you may be able to guess how I fill my time here.

