Tips for learning / 学びのコツ

Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ




Awareness / アウェアネス

What’s That Sound?

As I have written before, there are many things which don’t help your pronunciation of English sounds (phonemes), below ...
Pronunciation / 発音

How Do You Read This Word?

As I wrote before, there are many things that don’t help your pronunciation of English sounds (phonemes), below is one o...
Pronunciation / 発音

How Do I Know I’m Saying It Right?

One of my students asked me how do they know they are pronouncing a word correctly when they practise alone. That was an...
Mindset / マインドセット

What is a Textbook to You?

When you think of a textbook what do you imagine? Is it thick or thin? Is it dull or colourful, boring or interesting? A...
Mindset / マインドセット

Nervous when learning? Just RELAX!

When I learnt to drive, it was good to hear the same advice I give my students; relax. Learning how to relax when you're nervous will make learning easier.
Mindset / マインドセット

Connecting the Practical Skills of English to Learning

Previously I wrote about practical skills people have that can help when learning English. Essentially, some people are ...
Awareness / アウェアネス

The Practical Skills Of English – part 1

Are you learning English? Which practical skill do you think you’re good at; listening, speaking, reading, or writing? A...
Mindset / マインドセット

