The Best Thing About My Job

English as a communication tool / ツールとしての英語

I’ve had many different kinds of jobs in my life which has helped me gain a variety of skills and knowledge. Even in one job that I hated and vowed never to do again, I benefitted from the experience working there. The job that I do now, teaching English, is incredibly rewarding for me as it is a “Win, Win” relationship. Our students’ success is our success.

Because of this, I don’t consider what I do now a “job” it’s a vocation, I want to help Japanese people to communicate in English. This is NOT the same as learning English just to pass an exam or be able to translate Japanese into English.

Teacher? Facilitator!

Masami and I are always careful to explain that we are “English Facilitators” NOT English teachers. We facilitate English communication to our students. We explain, demonstrate, and put into practice how native English speakers communicate which is more than just speaking grammatically correct English. Native English speakers aren’t always grammatically correct in their conversation anyway, “I didn’ do nothin’”

Learn, use, grow

Our students’ English communication skills grow in many ways including, verbal and non-verbal communication, comprehension, and generally being more confident using English. This success isn’t the best thing about my job, it’s great that they improve and become more comfortable with the language but it’s not the best for me.

What is better than those things is something that I demonstrate either in a consultation or the first session. It’s a series of questions for our students to use to help them learn English from anyone and control the English conversation a little.

Active learning

Why do I think this is the best thing about my job?  Every time a student refers back to one of these questions demonstrates that what Masami and I do works. It shows active learning by the student which expands their knowledge and improves their communication. It shows the students’ dedication and seriousness about acquiring English communication.

Listen, ask, learn

Masami and I can’t download our English communication knowledge into someone’s head. However, we can facilitate the process of English communication. Hearing our students use those useful questions years after demonstrating them is the best thing about my job.


ー オンライン英語コミュニケーションプログラム ー



