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The Win-Win of Helping English Learners


A win-win is a way to describe a situation that benefits both or all people who are involved. It can also mean a situation that has two different benefits from an action. For example, I have textbooks that I don’t use anymore and I want to get rid of them because I have too many books, what can I do?

Off with my books

I can resell them, recycle them, or give them away.  By reselling them, I get rid of them AND get some money; win-win. By recycling them, I get rid of them AND they will be used again; win-win. By giving them away, I get rid of them AND someone else can use them; win-win.

Win-win, facilitator-student

I often hear good feedback from my students; “I enjoyed the lesson.”, “I learned new words.”, “I can pronounce English words better.”. It’s a great feeling knowing that I have helped improve someone’s English and they have enjoyed the lesson too. That’s a win-win; my student has, at least, enjoyed the lesson and I feel happy about that. Of course, I get paid, but it’s also a good feeling when I see progress in a student.

“I don’t know.”; Yes, I’m so happy!

Over the years I have taught Japanese people of all ages, from two years old to seventy plus. Recently, a beginner student replied to me, “I don’t know.”, to one of my questions. This simple sentence overwhelmed me because; the student used it so naturally, AND overcame his fear to say, “I don’t know.”, AND showed he wanted to know, AND it was something we practiced, AND he learnt a new word. That’s a win-win-win-win-win by my reckoning.

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