Hello. My name is Duncan Brown and I am an English Facilitator, here are some of my thoughts about learning English.
When people ask me what my job is I usually reply, “I’m an English teacher.”. It’s a short easy answer to keep the conversation flowing although, it’s not quite true.
English Teacher?
My image of an English teacher is someone who, by following a strict syllabus, teaches the fundamental parts of the language; vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. The main goal of learning is to pass exams. I am not disrespecting English teachers, I know that teaching the essential parts of English is challenging!
English Coach?
I wouldn’t consider myself an English coach either. For some reason, I imagine that English coaches are like sports coaches. They offer tactics and methods for learning the sport of English, then shout words of encouragement from the sidelines. Like with some sports coaches, occasional strong criticism is given after a poor performance.
English Instructor?
I’m also not an English instructor, an instructor instructs. This way is teaching by giving instructions that you must or should do. I connect a coach to sport and an instructor to the army. An instructor informs you how English works, in this situation use these instructions. It’s about repeating situations until you know how to react to them.
English Facilitator!
So, I’m not an English teacher, coach, or instructor. All of these titles are commonly given to or taken on by people. Masami and I are careful with our choice of words, particularly with what we do. Truthfully, we prefer the title, English facilitator, as that better explains what we do.
The definition of facilitate is; to make easy or easier, to help bring about. Just to make it clear, learning English for a Japanese person isn’t easy. To learn anything a person must put effort into it, your teacher/coach/instructor/facilitator can’t study on your behalf and then put it into your head.
What we do.
So, how do we make it easier or help bring about Your English?
1. We listen to what you want and suggest how we can help you.
2. We assess what level you are at, then tailor-make materials to suit you.
3. We have ongoing assessments of your progress.
4. Additional materials or exercises are created for areas that you are weaker in.
5. We share our insight as a British native English speaker and a Japanese English learner/facilitator.
6. Overall: Theory, practice, assessment, guidance, support, acquisition, repeat.
All of the points above do require a little teaching, coaching, and instructing, although how we do it is tailor-made to the person. We make it as easy as possible. We facilitate; we are English facilitators.
Easier hard work
All of our students have studied English before; at school, university, living overseas, large English language schools, or even self-study. Their knowledge and ability vary from beginner all the way up to native English speaker level. The reality is that all English language students do the hard work, Masami and I want to make it easier.
