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Body and Mind Both Need Exercise

Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

Imagine you want to get fitter, it’s obvious what you need to do; eat healthily and exercise. You wouldn’t expect any results by doing this once or twice a month and not doing anything between sessions. Learning a second language is similar to that.
I will compare getting fitter with learning a second language.

Food for thought

One of the first things people do to get fitter is to eat healthy foods. You are what you eat is a phrase to describe this. If you eat unhealthy foods, your body will be unhealthy. Ideally, you will eat balanced, nutritious, and tasty food.

In language learning, this means various learning materials which are useful and interesting. Learning materials are food for the mind.

Start slow

To get fitter, you wouldn’t run a marathon on your first day, you would probably injure yourself and would think that you will never be fit. You would start slowly, brisk walking, or jogging for a limited time or distance.

In language learning, understanding the basic structure of the language and learning a few words is a good start. You could look at your old learning materials (if you have any), books from the library, or use a smartphone application.

Dedicate yourself

You need time to exercise regularly; an hour or so, two or three times a week, should help you with less risk of injury or exhaustion.

In language learning, studying regularly is essential to keep what you have learnt, and build on that knowledge. Too often, too soon may lead to boredom or frustration, neither will help you.

Personal trainer

There is only so much you can do for yourself; guidance, motivation, and advice on technique can be had from a personal trainer. A personal trainer can; identify weaknesses, teach new strategies, and give directions to help improve your fitness.

In language learning, getting a tutor will do the same for you. They will teach you something new, build on what you know, correct you when you make a mistake, demonstrate how to do it, and practise with you.

Set your goals

A realistic short-term goal will help motivate you to push a little further. By the end of the month, you will jog 1.5km further. A long-term goal would be the achievement of all the short-term goals; in a year’s time, you will be able to jog a half marathon.

In language learning, your short-term goal will be personal and achievable, perhaps, a grammar point or some vocabulary for a topic. Long-term goals will be personal and achievable too, perhaps, understanding a short movie in the language you are learning or being able to express yourself on a topic.

Exercise buddy

Someone else you know wants to get fitter, too. You arrange to go jogging together. Even when you’re not motivated to go jogging for yourself, you probably wouldn’t want to let down your exercise buddy.

In language learning, practising with like-minded people can motivate you. Keeping up with, or helping your study buddy encourages learning more, you’re not alone on this journey.

A place to exercise

One year later from the start of getting fitter; you eat healthily, you jog regularly, you push yourself more every month, you get guidance and support from your personal trainer, you and your exercise buddy help each other, you feel fit and able to complete a half marathon.
You enter and complete a half marathon, fun run event.

One year later from the start of learning a second language; you use different learning materials, you study regularly, you expand your knowledge of the language, you get guidance and support from your tutor, you and your study buddy help each other, you feel more confident and able to express yourself in your second language.
You start a conversation with someone in your second language. What will you talk about?

In summary

It’s easier to imagine physical improvements than mental improvements even though they require the same effort. Both need; a starting point, good food/good materials, regular exercise, guidance, support, motivation, and a place to use them. What will you talk about?



