Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

Mindset / マインドセット

What is a Textbook to You?

When you think of a textbook what do you imagine? Is it thick or thin? Is it dull or colourful, boring or interesting? A...
Mindset / マインドセット

Nervous when learning? Just RELAX!

When I learnt to drive, it was good to hear the same advice I give my students; relax. Learning how to relax when you're nervous will make learning easier.
Awareness / アウェアネス

The Practical Skills Of English part 2

In my previous post, I wrote about practical skills people have to help their language learning. These were “good ears” ...
Awareness / アウェアネス

The Practical Skills Of English – part 1

Are you learning English? Which practical skill do you think you’re good at; listening, speaking, reading, or writing? A...
Mindset / マインドセット


コミュニケーションのツールとしての英語を勉強する方法はたくさんありますよね。 書店に行けばたくさんの本・参考書・問題集があるしSNSにも多くの情報があるしたくさんの英語・英会話学校もあるし多くの英語講師やコーチがいる。 ダンカンと私も 「伝...
Pronunciation / 発音

English Spelling & Pronunciation is Tough

There are many challenging parts of learning the English language; spelling and pronunciation are just two. Spelling a w...
Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

English Language Exercises

Since COVID-19, freely going out and about has changed our lives; that was why many of our classes have stopped (I miss ...
Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

What’s the Word You Want to Say?

I have always liked word games, spoken or written, and sometimes I use them in teaching English. One word game is called...
Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

Body and Mind Both Need Exercise

Imagine you want to get fitter, it’s obvious what you need to do; eat healthily and exercise. You wouldn’t expect any re...
Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

Finding the Right Word

Self-study is an important part of learning anything, especially if you want to improve faster. When I was younger, self...