
Awareness / アウェアネス


先日 あるワークショップに参加してきました。理由は2つ。① (周りの方からはそうは見られないのですが)実は緊張しいで人前で話すのが大の苦手。これをどうにか克服したい。② クライアントさんがご自身の想いをプレゼンしたいということで、せっかくな...
Awareness / アウェアネス

背伸びをしない, 身の丈に合った英語を使ってみては?

Mindset / マインドセット

Learning – Back to Basics

Today, I went back to Japanese language classes, this was after a very long time due to coronavirus restrictions. It was...

What The FAQs? Here are the facts.

In our Your English programme, there is a practical exercise where I chat with our students online. It’s interesting, fu...

Cultural Similarities of Bad Jokes

I love a bad joke. I do not mean a joke that is in bad taste nor a joke that injures anyone's feelings. What I mean is a...

Proud of Our New Business Card!

Part of what Masami and I teach is English with cultural awareness. Western cultures are different from Japanese culture...

Japan – Things I prefer in Britain

I don't consider myself to be patriotic, being proud of where you were born is a bit strange to me but I do miss a few t...
Awareness / アウェアネス

Is “Why are you here?” a good question?

“Why are you here?” is a question I often hear from Japanese people. I understand it as an innocent question. The questi...

Modern Nostalgia and an Aladdin’s Cave

Sometime in the seventies, I vaguely remember my mother taking me to visit one of her friends. When we arrived at the ho...