Hello. My name is Duncan Brown and I am an English Facilitator, here are some of my thoughts about learning the English language.
The joy of learning
Some people have a passion for learning, the act of acquiring knowledge is rewarding enough. The benefits of enjoying the procedure make self-motivation easier and the information gained is an added bonus. I knew a high school student like that.
This inquisitive, motivated student, let’s call them Jane, was top of all her classes and incredibly helpful to other students too. Some students were mean to her as she was very outstanding, but she was smart enough not to let it influence her pleasure of learning. Jane was particularly good at French and was fully conversant because of her studies and practice.
Limited resources
In a time before smartphones and the internet at your fingertips, the only resources you had were the books you could carry, the people around you, and what was in your head. This was the age when Jane went on a school trip to France.
During the trip, a student fell ill and was taken to the hospital. The teacher who was chaperoning this group had very little French knowledge and dealing with this emergency was beyond their French phrase book. Fortunately, Jane was able to communicate the symptoms to the doctor, answer the doctor’s questions, and translate to her teacher what was happening. The student eventually got better.
The power of your voice
In a situation where time is important to the outcome, a speedy response is crucial. Our brains work faster than using a translating device. The added delay of the translation and the possibility of a mistranslation is a real issue.
I guess emergencies like these are rare, but my main point is having the ability to communicate independently is empowering.
These days, all information is a click away and technology can do everything for you; there’s a trend of A.I. writing on behalf of students who don’t exercise their brains other than to input the limited information into their computer.
An independent mind
There’s no independence, control, or intelligence when we rely upon the internet to be our voice. And when we are away from the internet, where is our voice then? Ultimately, you are the best resource.
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