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Theoretical Vs Applied


Duolingo is a popular smartphone application for learning languages, it is so popular that its English tests are now accepted by some universities across the world for admission!

Recently, there has been criticism by some universities, students accepted after passing the Duolingo English test don’t have adequate English language skills; this makes it difficult for them to participate in the lectures or understand what is being taught.

The full article is here https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20230321094653959

Cheats and theorists

This failing could be because of several reasons: The Duolingo English Test level is too low. The student cheated as the test is taken online. The student is excellent at passing tests and theoretical English but cannot apply it in real life situations.

I am not discrediting Duolingo, some universities who know better than I do value Duolingo’s test results. I think it’s more to do with the latter two reasons, cheaters, and theorists.

Cheating yourself

People will do anything to get what they want, including cheating, this can get you so far but it will most likely catch you out later, like failing a university degree.

As for people who are good at tests and theoretical English, you will go far but not always the way you want. Remembering facts and rules are great but if you can’t apply them, it’s only theory.

Seen and not heard

Imagine a person who can read music and compose a symphony but cannot play an instrument. Reading and writing skills are good but language is spoken and heard too. Is this a problem for some of the Duolingo students?

I would consider using smartphone applications as an excellent supplement to other learning methods. If your learning goal is English conversation, you need to interact with people, you need to converse! Human interaction in classes is the most direct and immediate way to do that.

Knowing the English language to pass tests is only half the story, learning how to apply that knowledge is the full conversation.


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