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Finding the Right Word

Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

Self-study is an important part of learning anything, especially if you want to improve faster. When I was younger, self-studying a second language required a few things; A textbook for explanations, many cassette tapes for pronunciation, and a tape deck to play the tapes. Read, listen, repeat. A language dictionary wasn’t necessary, however, by using one, you could find the word you want to use and say what you want to say. Sadly, this doesn’t always work.

These days, there are many more ways to self-study; Youtube, the BBC, NHK, a huge number of online learning companies, smartphone applications galore, and of course, always, a language dictionary. I regularly use a language dictionary application to help find the right word with my students; it’s a wonderful resource, although not perfect.

Imperfect word?

Try this, how do you say 面白い in English? Interesting? Amusing? Enjoyable? Good?
Watching the news can be interesting, but is it amusing, enjoyable or good!?
Okay, how do you say amusing in Japanese? My dictionary suggests: 面白い。可笑しい。愉快。Which one is correct for what I want to communicate?

So how do you know which is the right word? Use it! If the listener doesn’t understand you, try it again differently. Sometimes though, through trying new words your meaning will be wrong, “The news was amusing last night.” is that what you wanted to say? When learning a second language, you will make mistakes, it’s part of learning. Hopefully, we learn from our mistakes, and with effort, we can improve.

Finding the right word

Finding the right word is important to communicate your thoughts and feelings. Finding the right words can be difficult in your native language, too. I have been thoughtless with the words I have used and have been misunderstood. I have learnt from these difficult, sometimes embarrassing times, so I am more careful with my words.

Finding the right people and the right place to practice will help you improve your second language. Knowing it’s safe to experiment with new words and getting them wrong without consequence can help your progress.

I am pleased to say, in our group lessons and online meet-ups, our students support each other and feel safe to experiment with new words and phrases. We find the right word together; the process is interesting, amusing, enjoyable, and good! 面白い.



