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Words Are All I Have

Tips for Learning / 学びのコツ

Masami has a great memory which I find impressive, whereas I have a brain like a sieve. I am confident that Masami’s excellent memory has helped her with her English studies. Remembering words contribute to expressing yourself although, only for a small part. If you are like me and have a head like a chikuwa, what can you do to help remember new vocabulary?

Mental Gymnasium

Your brain needs exercise just as your body does, through exercise you get stronger so, give your brain regular exercise that suits you.

Choose the vocabulary that you will use and is at your level. One of my favorite English words is somnambulism; I like it so much I use it in an exercise in class. I, like my students, will rarely use this word so, why put any time memorizing it?

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to learning, discovering how you learn best will help you improve your success.

Use what you have learnt as often as you can, be mindful of the meaning, the pronunciation, and correct usage.

Keep fit! By not exercising, you are more likely to become weaker to the point of losing any benefits from previous efforts.

In Practice

Study regularly; every day is brilliant, five days a week is very good, once a week is fine. Practise will prevent forgetting the things you have already learnt.

Think about what you want to say and carefully choose the word or phrase you want to learn and use, be sure it’s not an outdated term.

Choose how to remember the word or phrase; write it, draw it, say it, sing it, repeat it, repeat it, repeat it.

Use what you have learnt; use it or lose it! Curiously, I remember some words in Japanese before English now!

Keep using it; even if you are talking to yourself, your cat, dog, the television or, the radio, regular exercise keeps it yours. Take a look at what you have previously studied; you will not only see your progress so far but also what you have forgotten!

If you want to remember a word or phrase, try these ideas to keep it in your vocabulary. There are many other ways to exercise short-term and long-term memory, these are a few easy ways to start.



