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Quirks of English Words

Awareness / アウェアネス

Words ending with the suffix -nym tend to describe a classification of a word. An example would be; synonym. A synonym is a word with the same or similar meaning as another, such as, little and small. Another -nym word, antonym, which in language terms, means a type of word meaning the opposite, big and little. Okay, a synonym is a word whose meaning is similar or the same as another word. An antonym is a word which is the opposite meaning of another word.

Broken English

Because you are reading this, English is probably your second language, and you have an English dictionary to help you. Please get your dictionary, smartphone application, or google search ready and look for the definition of flammable. Now, look for a synonym and an antonym for flammable. Depending on your source of reference, you will discover that inflammable is a synonym and antonym! The same and opposite!?

English is old and has many influences

In modern English, the prefix in- is generally accepted as “not” as in, invisible is not visible, or indirect is not direct. Using this rule, inflammable means not flammable which, it does and does not. The word inflammable comes from one of the many influencers of English, Latin. In Latin, the prefix in- means “to cause to” and the word, flammare means “to catch fire”, therefore, inflammare means to cause to catch fire. The modern English prefix in- is not the rule in this case.

Modern English

So, which is correct? Fortunately, the confusion caused by these different rules has evolved the language. The Latin-influenced word, inflammable, is not being used as much. “Flammable” is now more commonly used to mean something that catches fire and burns easily. Instead of inflammable, “non-flammable” is used to describe something that doesn’t catch fire and burn easily.

Masami and I think communication is the most important part of using a second language and the evolution of this quirky English word emphasizes that idea.

So, what does “inhabitable” mean?



