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Proud of Our New Business Card!


Part of what Masami and I teach is English with cultural awareness. Western cultures are different from Japanese culture so, communicating is different, too. We teach our students to be aware of these differences to feel more comfortable expressing themselves in English. We have heard many times from students how liberating speaking English is.

For me to help Japanese people with their English, I need to understand, or be aware of, Japanese culture. Part of that culture is the importance of the business card. I had various jobs in England but, I never really felt I needed a business card, even though I was a Manager. I was encouraged to make a business card in the U.K., although that was only to impress girls! However, when I arrived in Japan, it was one of the first things Masami and I did purely for work and not for impressing people.

With our new English Programme, it seemed a good time for a new business card. It reminded me of the film, American Psycho where the business card was a thing of jealousy! Our new business card isn’t at the same level as in that movie, nevertheless, we are very happy with it. It reflects how Masami and I complement each other, East meets West, and this helps with our students’ language acquisition.

Thank you to the business card designer for making something that represents Masami and me. I have never seen a design like it before, making it unique, just like our tailor-made English lessons, how appropriate!



