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The Connection Between Culture and Language


The first year I arrived in Japan, Masami gave me a book to read called “Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul”. It is a collection of words and phrases that are crucial to understand Japanese thought and behaviour taken from, “Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia.”. It goes on to explain what is important in Japanese culture and why, including; folklore, religion, philosophy, art, and social structure. All very interesting, it gave me a better understanding of Japan and its language.

Recently, a student wanted to use a textbook to help with their English study and in this book was an interesting quote that reminded me of that book on Japanese culture. The quote is as follows:

An English Country Calendar – F. H. Lee “In order to master the English language thoroughly and, consequently, to be able to really appreciate English literature, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the Englishman’s character. It is hardly sufficient to know his manner of life without seeking to find out why he thinks and acts in the way he does.”

Both of these texts link culture and language. I think it’s impossible to separate them. But, when learning English, do you need to study the culture too? You will learn a little through learning the language. “I think..”, “I feel…”, “What do you think about…?“, “Why…?” are phrases that are common in English conversation. Knowing yourself and learning about other people are parts of the conversation.

Cultural Influence

Our culture is a part of us and influences our language. Our culture doesn’t always connect with the language that we are learning. By learning any language you will learn more about its culture, you may have a better understanding of it, your own culture, and possibly humanity!

Personality Influence

Sometimes, Masami and I react differently to the same situation. Sometimes, I would react in an expected Japanese way and Masami would react in a Western way. It’s not all about our culture, our personality will influence our words, too. That is why Masami and I encourage students to choose the words that suit their personality. This is so they can express their thoughts and feelings and not a fixed phrase in a text book.

I’m not sure if learning a second language will change your personality but you may see another side of life.



