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How To Hinder Your Learning

Mindset / マインドセット

There are many reasons why people don’t continue learning something. Sometimes, they have completely lost interest, found a more fulfilling hobby or they have completed their goals. Other times it’s a matter of motivation and mindset.

Below are a couple of issues that can hinder your learning and some ideas to help you overcome those problems.

Procrastination – I am one of the great procrastinators. Even when I have a lot of spare time I can still put off a task to do something else. Eventually, when I do get around to starting the task, I wished I’d started it earlier as I haven’t the energy, concentration or the spare time anymore! This is an ongoing issue for me but I have improved and keep finding ways to stop procrastinating, such as:

i) Fix a time in my diary just like it’s an appointment. Make the appointment as early in the day as possible. Try and make the appointment regular and at the same time of day.

ii) Give myself a reward for doing the task, during or after completion (eating a cake while studying? No problem!).

iii) Even if I’m not feeling motivated, do something! Set a timer for five minutes and work on anything, old or new. After five minutes I usually want to continue a little more and I haven’t “given up”.

Having too little time – People are busy. Finding time for yourself can be difficult but what if you can combine practice with what your doing? Driving to work? On the train? Eating lunch? Having a shower or bath? Studying any language requires input and output.

InputListening can be done whilst doing many tasks. Use whatever medium that suits you, such as, CDs, radio, MP3s, even your own recorded voice. All of these things can be done while you’re body is doing something else.

Reading is a little more difficult to fit into a busy schedule but it may be around you in the  form of road signs, food and drink products, peoples’ T-shirts etc. See a word? Read it!

OutputSpeaking (or singing!) is another exercise you can do whilst doing something else. It can work with the input techniques from above; repeating what you have just heard or even replying to it, reading aloud what you have just read, thinking aloud, saying what you are doing, etc. So many ways!

Writing is another difficult practice to fit in your day. If you need to make a note for anything, why not write it in both languages? When making a shopping list, try writing it in English.

Acquiring a language takes time and practice. Use the time you have got to practice and make opportunities to practice if you don’t.

If you are hindering yourself acquiring English, why not try these ideas to stop that. There are many more ways to hinder yourself which I hope I can advise you on to help yourself.

Keep checking this site to see if I write about one of your hinderances.



