Hello. My name is Duncan Brown and I am an English Facilitator, here are some of my thoughts about learning the English language.
Good intentions
What do library cards, punchbags, and yoga mats have in common? People own these things and never use them. These things can improve the quality of your life, at little to no cost if used.
How about a gym membership, golf club membership or any other subscription-based club? Do you pay for a membership and then don’t use it? You would think it’s a good motivator, “I’ve paid for it and will use it because I don’t want to waste my money!” It doesn’t always work that way.
All by myself
Are you, or have you ever been a member of a reading group, yoga group, or English class? Or, had a personal trainer? If so, how does it compare to doing things alone and without guidance? In my experience, doing things with others and with guidance is more motivating than alone.
Determination is required when maintaining or improving a skill because sometimes people don’t feel motivated. It’s easy to put off something, for example studying, if it only affects you.
It can wait…and wait
Some reasons could be, “I’ll meet my friends today and study twice as much tomorrow.” – then doesn’t study twice as much. “I haven’t got the energy today; I will study when I’m more awake.” – then doesn’t feel awake enough. “I’ll study after checking my social media.” – then continues to check social media until it’s too late.
Letting yourself down or losing money in membership fees and then forgiving yourself doesn’t help maintain or improve your skills. When it is difficult to do something for yourself, do it for someone else: “I don’t want to let my tutor down.” “My group needs me to keep up.”
Doing it for others and yourself
You are more likely to make time to study to prevent letting people down. You get the added benefits of guidance and support from either a tutor or fellow learners. At first, it feels like motivation through guilt but when you get started you get the rewards; you’re doing it for others and yourself.
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