It has been a while since I wrote about learning English as a second language, and I was struggling to choose what to write about. I could comment on the successes of our students, how trying and failing is a memorable lesson or, how technology will never replace your voice. However, when I started writing, it didn’t “flow” like before my break; I was out of practice, and my typing skills were rusty, too.
Try, try again
After a few false starts and too many typos for my liking, I knew what I should write about; getting back into “it”, returning from a break.
Each time I started writing on a topic, I couldn’t easily express my thoughts; terrible for someone who helps people express themselves. Fortunately, spoken word and written word are different and my classes haven’t been hindered by my lack of writing practice.
I tried and tried again, three topics, three attempts, I improved each time I tried however imperfect. I will return to these topics but being out of practice was a problem for me. I’m not a professional promoter; I’m an English Facilitator, I help people with their English communication.
Looking back to move forward
The first thing I did was to look at previous blogs I have written, this reminded me of the mindset I was in when doing so and how I did it.
Practice, practice, practice
Through helping others, I know what helps to improve, and I am practising what I preach. After my break from writing, here’s what I did; 練習、練習、練習 practice, practice, practice. I wrote and made mistakes but I didn’t let my mistakes stop me.
Short and sweet, repeat
Also, I kept it short and simple, this helped me get back into it.
These are a few things to do to help you get back into speaking English; review what you have done before, repeat sentences that you have half forgotten, and keep it short. I’m following my advice and that’s why my writing ends here after returning from a break.
ー オンライン英語コミュニケーションプログラム ー
