I think, on the whole, people want to be considered polite as we want to be liked; who likes rude people? However, interpreting what is rude and what is polite is sometimes debatable. What do you think?
Scenario 1 – Part 1
Scenario 1 – You’re at a BBQ and somebody offers you an alcoholic drink. You politely decline but the person insists that you are being rude if you don’t drink it. What would you do? Is it rude not to drink because you don’t want to?
Scenario 2 – Part 1
Scenario 2 – You invite a friend out for a meal and they say will contact you when they know if they are free. They don’t contact you until after the suggested time of the meal. What would you do? Is it rude to ask why they didn’t contact you in time?
These situations are real-life incidents that have probably happened to you however, do you think any of the behaviour is rude?
Two sides to every story
I like to see both sides of the story; a different perspective is always important for a greater understanding of a situation. What follows could be the opinion of the other person.
Scenario 1 – Part 2
Scenario 1 – It’s a BBQ, I enjoy drinking and I want everyone to enjoy themselves. I offer a guest a drink but they politely refuse. I insist as they are probably being shy, I’m helping them get over their shyness.
Scenario 2 – Part 2
Scenario 2 – My friend invited me out for a meal however, I’m really busy, so there’s little chance that I can meet her. I’ve been so busy I forgot to message my friend, I’ll let her know now, I’m sure she’ll understand.
Improved communication
To guess or assume what another person is thinking isn’t communication. It’s forcing what you think onto them or not taking responsibility in the conversation; are those things polite? Communication and mutual respect lead to clarity of a situation and better relationships. Having a clear understanding goes beyond rude or polite.
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