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Learning English? Where Do You Start?


I often ask Japanese people, “Do you speak English?” and frequently I hear the reply, “No.” I have two points about this. One. The person understood my question. Two. The person replied in English. The truth is, the majority of Japanese people have learnt SOME English, whether they want to use it is a different matter.

From school and beyond

English as a subject is learnt to varying levels in Japanese education. It tends to focus only on vocabulary and grammar, this is more theoretical than practical. However, some of our students have practical knowledge and use it in their lives. Everyone is different, their depth of knowledge, experience, and ability varies. Because of this, Masami and I always have a consultation with potential students, we see what their needs or wants are, and where their starting point is.

Consultation is the start of the conversation

I enjoy these consultations as I can see where we can help, guide, and build on what the English learner already knows. It’s pleasing to see that their previous efforts aren’t in vain and it is the basis of where we start from.

Speaking English is the starting point, you’ve got the tools for functional English. For most, this is all the English they need.

Express yourself

English Communication skills are the next step. Masami and I will give you some more tools so you can communicate and express yourself, who you are.

Expand your communication skills

Eventually, through learning the culture of the language, heart-to-heart communication is achieved. Learning something through interaction, collaboration, and different perspectives.

So, with Masami and I, your starting point is a consultation to find how far along you are. From there, where your English journey goes is up to you.


ー オンライン英語コミュニケーションプログラム ー



