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Difficult to Explain? KISS!


KISS is a great acronym which stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid! According to Wikipedia, it is a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. The more complicated a design, the more problems can occur. Why do I think it’s great? It’s a good reminder that simple sentences can usually communicate what you mean better than long, complicated ones.

You will never use antidisestablishmentarianism

Many people who come to Masami and me to help them with their English often say, “I want to make long sentences.” Or, “I want to use big words.” Why? To look smart? To impress the listener?

Learn what you need

There is no problem wanting to expand your vocabulary if it’s relevant to what you do. For example, if you are a doctor wanting to work overseas, we can focus on medical terms that you would use. If you are a mechanical engineer, we would find the technical jargon which you need.

Difficult daily words

For daily conversation, however, how complicated should it be? It’s possible to explain something with a few words or even express yourself with just one. Seeing Japanese people trying to remember a word or phrase, just to use it, stops the conversation. It also raises doubts if the person chose the correct word, too.

Simply said

Easy English examples, “It’s the weather, with a light and a big noise.” Did you guess it was a thunderstorm? After eating a nice meal with a few beers, “Happy.” This could mean: you are happy, merry, full, and enjoyed the food/company/conversation. But overall, a positive feeling is expressed.

It’s not broken if it works

These are simple ways to describe something or express your feelings, this is a good exercise for the English you already know. Some people may say it’s broken English, nevertheless, it’s a step towards better communication. Which is better, broken English or guessing at a word you half remember to sound clever?

Difficult to explain? Just KISS.


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