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Achieving Your English Language Goals

Mindset / マインドセット

What’s your main goal for learning English? Is it for work, pleasure or both?

Do you have a definite goal or is it your ongoing interest to know more?

If you have a definite target, for example, travel English, you can set your goal within a reasonable timescale, “In three months, I will be able to communicate with hotel staff, ask for directions, order food at a restaurant and know some native etiquette.”

Great! Here’s your reward after three months, the knowledge to get around in an English speaking country. You can do it because of a definite goal and your efforts.

Working S.M.A.R.T.

If you do have an English language goal, it’s a great idea to work S.M.A.R.T.

This acronym has slightly different interpretations but this is what I know it as: S.M.A.R.T. is: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-scale.

For example:

Specific – To be able to communicate with hotel staff, ask for directions, order food at a                               restaurant and know some native etiquette.

Measurable – English speakers understand me and I understand them.

Achievable – I have the materials, support, time, determination and skills to achieve these goals.

Realistic –  What I want to learn isn’t too much so that I can regularly practice.

Time-scale – I can spend 20 minutes a day for three months, learning or practicing. That’s about       30 hours; nine hours for each situation and three hours for native etiquette.

The above is a simple plan and it seems too easy. It’s organized, you still have to put the effort in. Don’t get fooled by the small steps, they add up to your success.

What if I don’t have a goal?

If you have been studying English for a long time and you don’t have an obvious main target for learning English, I’m sure you’re achieving goals just because of your curiosity. Idioms, phrasal verbs, inconsistent grammar rules, the spelling of words and their pronunciation, the etymology of a word, the culture associated with the language, and more.

 You can take a sip of English, just enough for you to know the taste.

Or, you can dive in, immerse yourself in it and swim in English, discovering interesting, confusing, different, enlightening new things.



