My dictionary defines an “open book” as a person who through naivety responds candidly to questions or openly displays their emotions or intentions. I know this idiom as someone who doesn’t hide their thoughts or feelings and will answer any question. I wouldn’t necessarily attach naivety to that definition; some people are open, honest, and very straightforward. They know exactly what they are saying and how others may perceive them.
Friendly Japanese people
I would consider many Japanese people I have met to be “open” and willing to answer any question I would ask them. Having a conversation without censorship can prove costly through embarrassment or exploitation. It isn’t normal, in Britain at least, to answer a question you don’t want to.
I don’t want to talk about that
Masami and I teach English communication and that does include NOT talking about something you don’t want to. That sounds like a contradiction, not talking about something is communicating? It’s communicating your boundaries, preferences, and topics that you are sensitive to.
Topics to avoid, at first
When meeting someone for the first few times, there are some obvious topics not to talk about: Money – How much do you earn? Religion – Are you a Christian? Politics – Do you like Donald Trump? Death/illness – Have you had COVID-19? And some are not so obvious for Japanese people; please don’t ask a foreign person their age, as some people can be quite sensitive about it. A company in Northern Ireland got sued for asking an interviewee that question!
Protect your privacy
It’s easy to forget you don’t have to answer an uncomfortable question however, you may regret it later. Sometimes it’s better to be a “closed book” until you know that person is trustworthy.
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