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More Ways to Hinder Your Learning

Mindset / マインドセット

Here are some more ways to hinder your learning to the point where you don’t even start!

Believing something is too difficult to learn.

Many times Masami and I have heard, “I really want to learn English but it’s too difficult.” My thoughts on this are: 

1. You don’t really want to learn English or 

2. You have had a bad experience in the past. 

Yes, learning English can be difficult but it is not impossible.

Perhaps your childhood memories of English lessons are not good. Or, you didn’t understand everything in an English class at a Community Centre. We all learn differently, and how it was taught may have not been the best way for you. I honestly believe with the right mindset and motivation you can achieve what you “really” want to learn. Part of that mindset is how you perceive the subject. 

Mindset – Difficult or Challenging?

What Masami and I encourage is changing the word, “difficult” to “challenging” when talking about learning. This way of looking at learning acknowledges that it won’t be easy but it is achievable.

For me, hearing the word “difficult” equals a painful process that may be achievable. When I hear the word “difficult”, I think, “Is the reward worth the trouble?” Hmm?

Alternatively, me hearing the word, “challenging” equals an interesting process that is rewarding and achievable. When I hear the word “challenging”, I think, “I accept the challenge and I will accomplish it!”. Very motivating!

Saying to yourself, “I can’t…”

Sometimes, part of what you are learning is not going to be easy. You try and try again but, you just don’t get what you are trying to learn.

There are many possible reasons why you “can’t” learn it, such as:

i) What you are trying to learn is at a higher level of your current ability.

ii) You cannot relate to what you are trying to learn.

iii) The way you are trying to learn doesn’t suit you.

iv) Thinking that you can’t do it! It is challenging, not difficult (see above)!

After many attempts and failing it is easy to think, “I can’t do it.”, or, “I will never be able to do it.” This is similar to, “It’s too difficult to learn.”, therefore, stopping yourself from learning. 

How many times did you try the challenging piece of work? Ten, twenty times?

How many different ways did you try the challenging piece of work? Probably, one or two ways.

Choose Correctly So You Can Do It

Be careful to choose the correct learning materials for yourself. It should be interesting, relevant and at a suitable level. It’s demotivating if your materials are boring. It’s a waste of effort if you don’t use what you learn. If the level is too low, you’re revising but not learning. If the level is too high, you probably won’t understand.

Masami and I often describe learning as a journey where there are different routes to take you to the same place. Take a different route if the one you are on is taking you nowhere.

Try all the different ways of learning; listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Use alternative resources and find your way of understanding it so you CAN do it. These resources can be teachers, other students, books, the internet or, any way which works for you.

Unfortunately, nobody can learn on your behalf. Learning English or anything else takes dedication. Sometimes it is, try and try again. Just try a different way.



