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Prepositions IN, ON, and AT – Times & Dates

Grammar /文法

IN, ON, and AT are prepositions used in different contexts, which can be confusing. I have previously written how to use them with transport and location, this time, it’s times and dates.

For times and dates, the guidelines are:

IN – for periods of the day, weeks, months, seasons, years, and centuries

IN the afternoon, IN the second week of May, IN January, IN winter, IN 2011, IN the 19th century.

ON – for specific days and dates

ON Friday, ON weekdays

ON August 15th, ON Wednesday 16th March

AT – for times of the day and holiday periods

AT 9:00am, AT midnight (12:00am), AT noon(12pm)

AT Christmas, AT New Year

Exceptions and caution to the guidelines

Like prepositions for location and transport, these are just guidelines so there are a few exceptions, and context is also important. Look at the following –

“I walk my dog IN the morning.”, “I walk my dog IN the afternoon.”, “I walk my dog IN the evening.” However, “I walk my dog AT night.” is an exception.

“AT Christmas.”, “AT New Year.” As it’s a holiday period over at least two days. But, “ON Christmas Day.”, “ON New Year’s Day.”, for the specific days of 25th December and 1st January, respectively.

These are challenging to remember, however; you have a 1 in 3 chance of saying the correct preposition if you are guessing! If you are wrong it is unlikely you will be misunderstood, either. Practice will always help, so read through your diary and read aloud your schedule.

ON Friday AT 10 IN the morning…

For example – “ON Friday AT 10 IN the morning, I have a lesson online. I will eat AT lunchtime and take a face-to-face lesson IN the afternoon AT 2. IN the evening I will cook dinner and eat with Masami AT 9.”

If your diary is empty, use your imagination – “ON Friday, AT 9 IN the morning I will fly to Hawaii. ON Saturday I will meet John Travolta IN the afternoon, and Cameron Diaz IN the evening. I will walk on the beach AT night before going to bed.” That would be interesting!

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