One of my worst traits is procrastination, delaying doing something just because I can. It has never affected my students; they are usually surprised when I make this confession. However, in my personal life there are things that can wait until tomorrow, and tomorrow is always the day after today. Tomorrow is never today!
Seize the day
There is a Latin phrase most British people know without ever having a Latin lesson; carpe diem (sounds like car-pay dee-em), it means, seize the day. “Seize the day”, is to make the most of your day; with effort, do something enjoyable or fulfilling.
Stop stopping yourself
Procrastination and seizing the day came to mind recently as two people have started learning English with me. One of them is in their sixties and the other in their eighties, both are English language beginners.
It’s never too late
Some people may think that’s too late to learn a language, they procrastinated too long, I disagree. I see two curious, brave people seizing the day and starting their English language journey.
Are you procrastinating? When will you seize the day? How soon is now?
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