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Nervous when learning? Just RELAX!

Mindset / マインドセット

I never learnt to drive in England because I never had to. Wherever I lived always had adequate public transport, also, I always lived close to everything I needed such as shops, launderettes, pubs, and, so on.

Learning to drive

After a couple of years in Japan using public transport to get to several cities for work, something had to change. With some encouragement from my wife, I ended up learning how to drive. It was something I was very nervous about because of my age (mid-forties) and I would be learning in a foreign language (Japanese, of course!). To be fair, the driving school had teachers that spoke a little English, and with my little Japanese we managed to communicate.

I had various teachers showing me how to drive, each with different teaching styles/personalities. I must have looked nervous in every lesson; I could feel tension in my shoulders and I would make mistakes when I tried to do things too quickly. I felt I progressed better with one teacher though, their manner suited my personality better.

Relax! Relax? Relax…

The first time I took a lesson with him, he said one word which made me laugh, “Relax.”. I found this funny because, 1. It’s what I say to my students. 2. How can I relax; this is new and scary! I did become more relaxed after a while, and I forced my tense shoulders down which surprisingly helped. Did all my students feel this nervous?

I’m confident to say that all of our students quickly become relaxed, so much so, they don’t always do their homework! I’m glad that Masami and I have great students who are open to learning and are relaxed to; ask questions, try new vocabulary/phrases, and talk about anything they want to. Just relax and try.

ー オンライン英語コミュニケーションプログラム ー



