I wish I could be at my best all the time, with no physical problems and a mentally stress-free life. Alas, that is not realistic for me or anybody I know, there are good days and bad days. For my bad days, I usually blame the weather, if I’ve got an upset stomach, headache, being clumsy, or even forgetful, it’s the weather’s fault.
Good days and bad days happen to our students too, in one lesson they are holding an interesting conversation, and in the next lesson, basic words and grammar are difficult to remember. I’m sure you’ve experienced the same, whatever you are doing, sometimes, it isn’t easy and that’s okay.
Making mistakes and failing are all part of the learning process, as long as we remember where we went wrong and try not to repeat these errors, we will improve. Having a bad day isn’t the same as being bad at what your doing, it is disappointing to fail at something you know you can do.
The positive side of being disappointed with your “bad day” mistakes is, that you have decided your basic level which is something you can/should achieve. It shows that you’ve studied, learnt, and acquired knowledge that you needn’t work on anymore. As long as you are truthful to yourself about what you know, don’t worry about bad days, they are showing what level you are at and your progress.
Alternatively, if you are making mistakes on a good day it shows it’s time to review, re-learn, repeat, and practice until you do acquire it. Once acquired, it’s acceptable and expected to forget and make some mistakes on your bad days!
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