From the day that we are born we are learning, if not we would be in trouble. Learning through necessity or for pleasure, I am surprised how much I learn now and not at all surprised at how much I’ve got to learn (a lot!).
Still learning
Currently, I am learning; Japanese, English, teaching, lyrics of songs, strategies in video games, where to buy good food, the quickest route to work, how not to waste money on poor quality goods, how not to get a hangover, how to grow tomatoes, how to reverse park, computer stuff, and many, many more.
Unless you are perfect or have settled on a certain level of success, you will never stop learning. There are many ways to learn; trial & error, books, from friends & family, the internet, schools & teachers, observation, mimicking, instinct.
What are you learning?
Surprise yourself by listing your life-long learning subjects that are everyday activities which you have not perfected, nor are satisfied with your skill level; cooking, cleaning, driving, gardening, however you exercise, singing, parenting, working?
Perfectly imperfect
Many years ago, I caused problems for myself trying to achieve perfection. At school, even if I would get a good grade, I would look at what I got wrong and not look at the achievement of what I got right. I was disappointed with not achieving perfection at school or in the workplace.
When I did achieve targets set at work, I’d ask myself how can I do better. A manager told me to learn how to say, “That will do.” Don’t make any more effort as the task has been completed satisfactorily. That improved the quality of my life from that moment on, “That will do.”
That will do for now
I’m always learning new things now, and it’s mostly my choice what it is. What, why, when, how often and to what level do I want to learn something is up to me. During this process, I will have a “That will do.” moment that’s the right time for me to stop or take a break; it is lifelong learning after all.
How about you? What’s your lifelong learning lesson? When will you say, “That will do?”
ー オンライン英語コミュニケーションプログラム ー
